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Acupressure – Meridian Massage

Acupressure – Meridian Massage

The massage of the meridians and acupressure can be used by a therapist, who has a good knowledge of the meridians and the acupoints, as a complement to a regimen of reflexology and massage aiming at better addressing a problem.

The acupoints to which pressure has been applied during a session may or may not be in the area of the body showing symptoms, exactly as in reflexology. Applying pressure to an acupoint, which is in the area of the symptom, helps in checking the pain and in restoring the health of the meridian and, in general, of that area.

Sometimes in addition to the application of pressure and massaging of meridians, it may be needed to stretch them also. This can be done without the patient’s participation.

The therapist stretches the relevant parts of the body with special movements, so that extremely blocked areas are decongested.

After this, some massage manipulations are applied for decongestion of the acupoints and the meridians, which is necessary in psychosomatic conditions, such as stress, difficulty in breathing, digestive disorders which are mainly the result of overwork and intensive lifestyle of the individual.